Mat leave mummy goals…

For the first time since school, I am not working. At all. Obviously, apart from keeping a child and husband alive, a house clean, everyone fed, laundry clean and away, and keeping myself rested and healthy enough to perform all said tasks without wanting to run away just for a nap. Even when I was [...]

A re-introduction – I’m pregnant and four days overdue…

It's been a VERY long time between posts. Life happens. A wedding, holidays, surgery, two promotions, house moves, highs, lows... the full gamete. I wanted to reintroduce myself and redirect this blog. As a soon to be, first time mama, I wanted to redirect my writing to be all things navigating motherhood for the first [...]

Hello burnout.

It’s been a good 7 months since I’ve written anything. A journal entry. A letter. A long, confessional text message. It’s been a hellish year of being constantly tired, stressed, depressed (I didn’t know my depression could reach the depths that it did. I was scared. Plus side, have THE BEST and MOST CARING doctor [...]

Instant Gratification and Mental Health Struggles

It's no lie, and I'm quite open and frank about my roller coaster ride with anxiety and depression. Presently, it's a bit of a low, purely due to circumstances out of my control and my inability to cope with these problems in a healthy way. I tried reading the shit load of self help books [...]